lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2016

session 11


Session 7

In this session you are going to consolidate the vocabulary of computers and Internet tems.

 1-IT is an abbreviation for information TECHNOLOGY: FALSE
 2-The internet and the world wide web (WWW)are the same thing: FALSE
 3- a browser is a person who enjoys lo at the WWW: TRUE
 4-You can see sessions or words on-liNE but you cannot listen to sounds: FALSE
 5-You need the winnest fasters compputers to use  THE web: TRUE
 6-Most internet users are mean: TRUE
 7-@ is colled "at" in english: TRUE


A browser: to get programs from the internetSo
To download: to get programs from the internet
To chat: To have a conversation through the internet by writting or speaking
Email:letter to send by internet
The moddem: thing that connects the computer with the internet
Wi-fi: whirless device that allows computers to conect to the internet using a ruter
On-line: Softwere that lets you acces the WWW
Softwere: Computers programs
ove t 

3. Choose the best word to complete these sentences:
I use a fast modem to connect my computer to the Internet.
RealPlayer is computer software that you use to listen to music on the WorldWide web
I always save my documents in floppy disks
Chat is a good way of meeting other people on the Internet
A beep is a sound your computers makes when there is an error

4. Answer these questions:
1.A Web browser is a program used to visit websites, while a search engine is a website that allows you to look for specific websites or information based on keywords, dates and other criteria.

2. Google

3. Chrome

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016

Session 6

My computer is philips

The operating system of my computer is windows

the best web browser of my computer is google chrome

In the mouse they are 3 buttons

Yes he has everything

6-     RETURN:nentrar            SPACEBAR:barra d'espai                  SHIFT:majuscula
         TAB:tabulador                 DELETE:retroces                              CONTROL:control
         ESCAPE:escape              HIPHEN OR DASH:Guio(-)                DOT:punt (.)
        COMMA: coma(,)            COLON:dos punts(:)                            RIGHT PARENTESI:(parentesi)    
         SLASH:barra de separació(/)                                                AT SIMBOL:(#)

2-Match this word-processing terms with their definitions. Then compare your answer with a parner.

1-a list of computers operations: windows
2-a box on the screens that shows informations: menu
3-a small picture or simbol: icon
4-text or other data stored toghether with a special name: file
5-softwhere for creating text files: word processor
6-press and relase the button on de mouse: click
7-a little arrow on the screen that move when you move the mouse: cursor
8-select text/images whithh the mouse: highlight

3-match these words processing commands with their definitions below.

1-Duplicate highlighted text/images to put somwhere else: copy
2-Preserve the contents of a document: save as
3-Cut text/images from one place and put them somewhere else: cut and paste
4-Open and existing document: open
5-Create a new document:new
6-Send the contents of a document to the printer: print
7- Close the document without quitting the word processor: close
8-Save the contens of a document under a new file name: save as